A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather.

Imagine sunny beaches, sand between your toes, and weather so hot you can see the waves coming off the asphalt. Sounds glorious, right? Except not. Get it together people! I said Oregon, not L.A. This is the Pacific Northwest, where a record breaking 340 days(not an accurate statistic–take any of my math related comments with a grain of salt) of the year are cold, grey and decidedly drizzly.

That said, I had a great time. Who’s going to complain about getting to spend two weeks at a beach? I mean, really? The point is, I was in Oregon, and I had fun. Doing what, you may ask? Well, I’ll tell you.

Aside from unintentionally flirting (apparently I do this thing with my hair…?) with half the town at the Marion County Fair which I got to attend with my family, I also went to four farmer’s markets, swam almost everyday, and ate. A lot. Like no joke. We’re talking corn on the cob and cubed watermelon every night; surf and turf; patriotic ravioli; burgers, hot dogs on the beach. Basically, you name it, I probably ate it during that trip. Except eggplant. Never eggplant.

I also drove again for the first time in literally a year and I promise anyone who will listen that I saw my life flash before my eyes. On a somewhat connected and yet simultaneously tangential note, I’m in Florida right now. And before you ask, yes the two thoughts are connected. Why? Because I just got back from an overnight trip to Miami in which I ate in an awesome bookstore/cafe crossover, applied for an Italian visa, and drove home on the Turnpike in the rain. Exciting stuff, this is.

Based on that brief description of my day, one would think I should be exhausted. And I am, ish. At this point though, I’m a certifiable insomniac. Although my lack of sleep, at least tonight, can probably be attributed to slight jet-lag from crossing the US, and not to my appreciation of Diet Dr. Pepper which could easily be described as an addiction. Like, actually.

Tune in next time for adventures in the life of me. Speaking of adventures, prepare yourself for a description of why escapism is the greatest thing on this planet since sliced bread. And River Song. And Jesus. But I think you get the point.

Laters. (Fun Fact: I’ve been saying this for ages and only just discovered that its actually from BBC’s Sherlock. Are you hearing the British accent yet?)

**Title: “A Drop in the Ocean” as sung by Ron Pope**